The projects of the two companies have the same continuity with the previous 2018, which has represented by massive investments, thanks to the develop of high quality technological products and a focused plan of hires also.

Once again, the two brands objectives will be research and innovation, as the previous development of a high quality technological new probiotic line, Abiflor baby, Abincol ed Abivisor.

ABI-LINE probiotic, was born by the Aurora Biofarma and Aurora Licensing research, the first probiotic product line acting for organ-competence together with an innovative feature: the “strain- specificity”.

The ABI-line probiotic offers an absolute innovation into the probiotic’s world.

Aurora Biofarma closed the 2018 in the domestic market with the goal of 20 million Euro income and a forecast grow of + 35% comparing with the previous year; a new ambitious target is established, passing the amount of 30 million Euro of income in 2020.